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Baby at 20 weeks.

As part of the second screening at the 20th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan is performed, which is necessary to:

  • evaluate the course of pregnancy,
  • determine the gender of the child,
  • identify the presence of malformations of an intrauterine baby.

With the help of ultrasound, at this time, the correspondence of the size of the fetus to the gestational age is calculated, the state of the amniotic fluid, as well as the placenta, is determined.

Ultrasound makes it possible to study the development and functioning of internal organs. Particular attention is paid to the study of the heart of the child.

In addition to ultrasound, blood and urine tests are possible to assess the degree of enlargement and the condition of the uterus. A laboratory blood test makes it possible to control sugar levels, to determine the onset of the development of anemia.

According to the study of blood, one can judge the functioning of the kidneys, the presence of a latent form of inflammatory processes in the body. In addition to ultrasound, a biochemical blood test is necessary, a triple test helps to assess the level of hCG hormones, estriol and fetoprotein, which makes it possible to assess the degree of risk of developing deviations in a child, the development of chromosomal abnormalities.

The main thing depends on what kind of life the expectant mother leads: how the birth will go, and whether the newborn baby will be healthy.


During pregnancy 20 weeks, there are many prohibitions that should be followed:

Bad habits

From the moment of conception, or from the time of planning fertilization, one should abandon bad habits that are detrimental to the fetus. Smoking, drinking alcohol is dangerous in the embryonic, perinatal and postnatal period of the baby's development.


Overheating often leads to premature birth. To avoid an accident, you must not go to saunas and baths. Prolonged sun exposure is also dangerous for the expectant mother. Sunbathing is possible only in a shaded area in the morning.

Resting positions

The threat of premature birth can occur due to lying on your stomach, prolonged rest on your back or right side. Blood flow when sitting in a cross-legged position is disrupted, leading to oxygen starvation, which can result in miscarriage.

Physical exercise

Contraindicated at 20 weeks of gestation are sudden movements, bending, lifting weights.

These actions can provoke hypertonicity of the uterus, which is fraught with miscarriages. High-heeled shoes cause increased stress on the spine and lower extremities, which will have a negative impact in the future.

Extreme sports and travel

At the 20th week of pregnancy, extreme sports are banned, they are replaced by calm types of recreation. Travel is allowed because there is a lot of time left before childbirth. There is no ban on flights in an airplane either. When traveling by car, it is necessary to make stops at four-hour intervals for eating. After 2 hours, you must get out of the car to warm up your legs. A pregnant woman can drive for no more than an hour.

  • Ascent to a height of more than 1 km above sea level.
  • Diving.
  • Parachuting.

What is good for mom and baby

The 20th week of pregnancy requires the continuation of proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle. Swimming, water aerobics, Nordic walking are allowed. Walking at a calm pace in the green area is recommended.

It benefits from communication with friends and relatives, going to museums, visiting theaters. It is advisable to devote your free time to your favorite activities.


If there is no doctor's prohibition, the continuation of an intimate life will have a positive effect on the course of pregnancy. In this case, preference should be given to comfortable postures. If discomfort is felt, change position or complete intercourse. Sex should bring pleasure to the pregnant woman, in which the hormone of happiness is produced, which positively affects the emotional development of the baby.

Nutrition for the expectant mother

It is necessary to organize a diet so that, while receiving all the necessary nutrients, you do not feel an overcrowded stomach. Meals should be frequent and small. Snacks including fresh fruits and vegetables, natural juices are welcome.

In the diet, the presence of lean meat, milk and fermented milk products, a variety of cereals, sea fish, and bran bread is mandatory. Dishes for a pregnant woman are prepared by boiling, stewing, or steaming. Smoked and fried foods are excluded from the diet. Chocolate is not desirable; it is better for the body to get carbohydrates from fruits and cereals.

Carrying a child is a great time to anxiously await the birth of a new person into the world. The 20th week of pregnancy is characterized by a relative stability of the condition, your body has come to terms with its role. Toxicosis is behind, and there is still almost half of the untapped path ahead.

What examinations are coming at this time, and what they will show. A list of useful tips and tricks to help you cope with possible difficulties and enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest.

Pregnancy 20 weeks

The 20th week of gestation is the middle of the second trimester and the entire pregnancy. You have already become accustomed to your condition, especially since this period is one of the most favorable.

  • The child continues to actively develop and gain weight. All his organs and systems are formed, but he is not yet capable of living outside the mother's body;
  • The tummy is already noticeable and continues to grow, shifting the center of gravity. Feelings at the 20th week of pregnancy are generally positive, the appetite is excellent, the mood is stabilized;
  • The enlarging belly puts pressure on the spine, which can lead to unpleasant lower back pain. Read about this in detail in the article Back pain during pregnancy >>>;
  • Now is the time to start doing gentle, supportive exercises. They will help to strengthen your muscles and will serve as an excellent preparation for the upcoming birth. Take the 5 Steps to Successful Childbirth course >>>

This is an e-course that you can access over the Internet. By doing simple exercises, you will train your breathing and body for the upcoming labor pains.

Baby development at 20 weeks

  1. At week 20, the growth of the crumbs is about 20 cm and it weighs from 190 to 340 grams;
  2. During this period, the baby's subcutaneous fat is actively accumulating. The heartbeat is perfectly audible through the obstetric tube and is about 130 - 150 beats per minute;
  3. At 20 weeks of pregnancy, the development of the fetus continues: it actively moves in the uterine cavity, sucks a finger, yawns, twists its head, swallows amniotic fluid;
  4. During this period, the intestines, kidneys, and spleen begin to work independently;
  5. As a result of the functioning of the digestive system, meconium begins to form;
  6. The taste buds are improving, and the baby can already distinguish the food eaten by the mother;
  7. The baby's skin thickens, and the sebaceous glands produce a special lubricant that protects him from the aquatic environment of the uterus and during childbirth will facilitate easy passage along the pathways.

Mom's well-being

Uterus size

  • The size of the uterus increases to 21 cm, approximately to the level of the navel;
  • The growing belly at the 20th week of pregnancy squeezes the organs of the mother's abdominal cavity: intestines, liver, kidneys, diaphragm. This can make you short of breath, heartburn, constipation, and swelling of your hands, feet, and face. Tell your doctor about this for advice on how to improve your condition. And how to get rid of heartburn, read the article Remedy for heartburn during pregnancy >>>

Pain at week 20

Any pain during pregnancy should be discussed with a gynecologist.

  1. At this time, a miscarriage rarely occurs, but if the stomach is pulling at the 20th week of pregnancy, and the pains become cramping, call an ambulance urgently!
  2. A frozen pregnancy is insidious in that it can proceed without pain. It is very important to carefully monitor your condition, listen to the baby's jerks that he produces daily (article on the topic: How many weeks does the baby start to move? >>>);
  3. The uterus at the 20th week of pregnancy is at the level of the navel. It is quite large, plus the increasing weight of the expectant mother: all this can provoke pain in the back, cramps in the legs, and increased general fatigue.

Bleeding discharge

  • Normally, discharge at the 20th week of pregnancy has a light color, a homogeneous structure with a sour smell and, maybe a slight increase, is normal. Green or yellow discharge with mucus, itching, burning sensation in the vaginal area, which is typical for genital tract infections, will become a cause for concern. Such a disease is subject to immediate treatment;
  • The most serious for the life and health of the child will be brown discharge at the 20th week of pregnancy, mixed with blood or even worse: opened bleeding with simultaneous sharp pains in the lower abdomen and lower back. This condition is typical for the onset of abortion or placental abruption. Call an ambulance urgently!
  • If you notice minor spotting after a gynecologist's examination or sexual intercourse, and there are no pains, then cervical erosion makes itself felt.

Feeling at week 20

What Happens to Mom in the 20th Week of Pregnancy? What sensations prevail?

  1. A rapidly growing belly can cause stretch marks on the skin, which can be treated with effective topical products that are abundant in pharmacies or specialty stores. Which tool is more effective in dealing with this problem? Read the article Stretch marks during pregnancy >>>;
  2. Starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, you may periodically experience false contractions, as a rule, they pass quickly and do not cause fear, the body prepares for childbirth in this way;
  3. Uterine tone (abdominal petrification) is a frequent occurrence during this period, the cause may be nervous or physical stress (read the article Uterine tone in the second trimester >>>);
  4. Stirring at the 20th week of pregnancy becomes more active and noticeable. Your child is already developing an individual sleep and wakefulness regime, and it may not coincide with yours.

I am often asked - at 20 weeks, how often should the baby move? There are certain tests for baby movement, but they refer to later stages of pregnancy (a separate article on this will be released soon on the site). Why?

While the baby is still small and you may not feel part of his movements. When the child's weight is about 2 kg. , then here you will definitely not miss his cute blows to your liver and kidneys and will be able to fill in the charts throughout the day. For now, just concentrate on the fact that the child needs to express himself daily.

He can move more often, responding to loud sounds, noise, music. The fetus at this time feels the state of the mother (anxiety, excitement, joy) and reacts to it with energetic manifestations.

Narrow questions of pregnancy


The body of a pregnant woman works in an enhanced mode, immunity is significantly reduced, almost everyone has a set of chronic ailments that are exacerbated during gestation.

Against the background of inflammation or infection, the temperature may rise at 20 weeks of gestation.

  • If the increase is insignificant, within 37 0 with a small, and there are no other symptoms, then this is considered a variant of the norm, as a reaction of the body to an interesting position;
  • When the temperature rises above 38 0 and its long-term preservation, there is a negative effect on the nervous system and fetal tissues, blood circulation in the placenta is disturbed. It is very important not to delay the disease, but to diagnose it on time and receive competent professional treatment.

Colds at 20th week of pregnancy

Rarely does a pregnant woman manage to go all the way through gestation without colds. If this happens to you, then do not self-medicate, but immediately seek medical help.

The placenta at the 20th week of pregnancy is quite mature and effectively protects the baby from the harmful effects of drugs and the consequences of diseases, but this does not mean that you can abuse the potions uncontrollably, neglecting your health.


If there are no contraindications, sex at the 20th week of pregnancy is allowed, but choose positions without pressure on the abdomen and with less intensity. Any unpleasant or painful sensations should be the reason for stopping sexual intercourse and finding out the reason for this phenomenon.

Alcohol at week 20

In modern medicine, the fact of the negative impact of alcohol on a child during pregnancy has been proven. Even small doses of alcohol penetrate the placenta, having irreversible effects on the brain, heart and blood vessels, the nervous system of the fetus, are the cause of the formation of pathologies, anomalies, and a predisposition to alcoholism.

Examination of mom and baby

Ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy

Ultrasound is performed as part of an important second screening, which makes it possible to evaluate the fetus at 20 weeks of gestation, in particular:

  1. the general course of pregnancy;
  2. whether the size of the baby coincides with the gestation period;
  3. find out the state and volume of amniotic fluid, the structure and maturity of the placenta;
  4. the location and function of the internal organs of the fetus;
  5. a thorough examination of the heart for defects;
  6. the presence of chromosomal defects;
  7. find out the gender of the child.

Ultrasound detects fetal presentation at 20 weeks of gestation, it can be pelvic or cephalic. The baby is still small in size and can take different positions in the uterus during the day. Closer to childbirth, babies usually fit properly. The correct cephalic presentation of the fetus takes by 30 weeks of gestation, or a little later.

Know! Don't worry if you've been diagnosed with breech presentation at 20 weeks gestation. It is unlikely that this position of the baby is final, besides, only 3-5% of women have such an anomaly for childbirth due to disposing factors.

  • The cervix during 20 weeks of pregnancy should normally decrease to 4–4.5 cm. If the cervix is ​​less than 3 cm long, there is a risk of miscarriage, since it is not able to hold the fetus in the uterus and may begin to open earlier than the expected date of delivery.

In such cases, at the discretion of the gynecologist, stitches or a special obstetric ring can be put on. Women with this pathology are under the tireless supervision of doctors and must minimize physical activity; in especially serious situations, inpatient treatment is necessary in order to prolong the pregnancy.

The placenta is responsible for the normal growth and development of the child, protects against infections, provides oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, her condition is specially investigated for ultrasound. For various reasons, pathologies are possible in the location of the child's place.

  • For example, a low placenta at 20 weeks gestation. Don't worry ahead of time. Most often, the placenta rises higher at a later date, otherwise this condition threatens the risk of bleeding and organ detachment.

The fetus suffers without adequate nutrition and oxygen. If the baby's place does not rise to childbirth, then doctors suggest the method of caesarean section as the only way out of this situation.

Every mom wants to know the boy or girl has settled in her tummy. The ultrasound doctor determines the gender at the 20th week of pregnancy almost accurately, since the child's genitals are already clearly formed.

Lifestyle at 20 weeks pregnant


The nutritional system of a pregnant woman should be based on the principles of regularity, naturalness and usefulness of food. A full breakfast, lunch, dinner and two light snacks are recommended. Overeating contributes to weight gain, which can be detrimental to childbirth, but fasting is also harmful.

Be sure to include in your diet:

  1. boiled lean meat and fish;
  2. an abundance of vegetables and fruits;
  3. porridge (especially oatmeal and buckwheat);
  4. a variety of fermented milk products.

The weight rate at 20 weeks of pregnancy in a woman increases from about 3 to 5 kg, but this is a very individual indicator. Some women gain from 5 to 8 kg for the entire period of gestation, others - all 20.

For a week, a safe increase is up to 500 g, depending on the initial body weight. If your weight has grown above acceptable values, then you need to follow a low-calorie diet to avoid health problems.

Prepare food using safe methods of boiling, stewing, baking. Eliminate frying and smoking, and also reduce the use of salt, which retains excess fluid in the body, provoking edema (more about edema during pregnancy >>>). Replace sugar with fruits and berries.

Eat allergic foods with caution: honey, chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries. Eating food with various additives, dyes and preservatives will be extremely harmful.

To plan your healthy and healthy diet, read the e-book Proper Nutrition for a Mom-to-be >>>

In it you will find a list of foods that should be in your daily diet + a list of foods to prepare for an easy childbirth.

At 20 weeks of gestation, the size of the fetus increases rapidly, which increases the load on the functioning of the entire female body. Carefully monitor your health and be attentive to all new and unfamiliar sensations in order to inform your gynecologist about them. The following tips will help you hedge against many troubles and safely spend the rest of the gestation period:

  • Perform a set of special exercises for pregnant women, visit the pool, this will relieve tension from the spine, improve blood circulation and increase immunity;
  • Start listening to the course on preparation for childbirth Easy childbirth >>>;

This is an e-course that you can watch at home. You will learn about the difference between false contractions and birth, when it is time to go to the hospital, what stages the labor consists of and what will help to survive the contractions as easily as possible.

  • Hygienic procedures in the form of washing is not recommended with the help of a shower, so that water does not enter the vagina, and douching is completely prohibited;
  • From this time, colostrum begins to be secreted from the mammary glands, the body prepares for feeding the child. Liquid should not be squeezed out on purpose. Just wipe off with a tissue if accidentally spilled. On this issue, I recommend reading also the article Colostrum during pregnancy >>>;
  • In case of exacerbation of varicose veins of the legs, in agreement with the doctor, use anti-blood clots, wear compression underwear, keep your legs on a slight elevation several times a day;
  • Try to collect good moods. Look for positive emotions in art galleries, museums, classical music, literature. Get enough fresh air and rest.
  1. If your stomach hurts at the 20th week of pregnancy, even slightly, never pull, do not wait for it to pass by itself. Even if it seems that everything is in order, act immediately and quickly, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor;
  2. In case of back pain, rest more, forget about high heels for a while (by the way, read about how long you can wear high heels in the article: Heels during pregnancy >>>). Regularly unload the spine by all available methods, keep the correct posture;
  3. From the 20th week of pregnancy, it is not recommended to sleep on your back, since the fetus and uterus clamp the inferior vena cava, which will lead to a deterioration in blood supply and even fainting. Train yourself to sleep on your side - this is the best option during gestation. The rest of the poses - only after childbirth;
  4. During mass epidemics, viral or colds, do not visit public places, take care of your health, remember, the full growth and development of the child depends on your lifestyle;
  5. Stock up on approved safe heartburn remedies;
  6. If you often have constipation, set up an appropriate diet, with lots of vegetables. If there are no allergies and contraindications, prunes, dried apricots, beets, apples, one-day kefir and other products help well.

Having learned how the 20th week of pregnancy differs, what happens to the baby and mother at this time, we conclude that the gestation is generally favorable.

The happy period can be overshadowed by some troubles, but with timely correction of the lifestyle and seeking qualified help, everything can be solved easily.

Waiting for a baby is an exciting time in every woman's life. Parents are trying to figure out whether it will be a boy or a girl. The dispute will be resolved by an ultrasound specialist, who will determine the sex of the unborn child at the screening. This will happen at the 20th week of pregnancy, when the differences are already clearly visible. What else interesting will happen to a woman expecting a baby during this period?

How many months is twenty weeks?

20 weeks in a row falls on the fifth month of pregnancy (the obstetric period, which is taken as the basis, is 28 days). Exactly half of the gestation period has passed. The tummy has become noticeably rounded, the early toxicosis has passed. The second trimester is considered the calmest for the expectant mother, usually during this period she feels great and is full of joyful expectations. Now you need to visit a doctor in consultation once every two weeks.

Fetal development at week 20

At 20 weeks, the crumbs are actively growing. He has already laid down the basic organs and systems, which are being improved, preparing the child for life outside the mother's womb.

It is safe to say that the baby hears the voices of his parents. If you stroke his mom's belly, the baby will feel the touch. Parents can talk to the baby, turn on calm music for him - psychologists believe that all this has a beneficial effect on the emotional development of the baby.

What does a baby look like (size, organs and body parts)?

As for the size of the crumbs at the 20th week of pregnancy, it reaches 25-27 cm, the fetus weighs about 300 g. These values ​​are determined using fetometry.

Receptors appear in the retina of the child's eyes. The baby hears external sounds, the voices of parents. The kid moves, makes active movements of the muscles of the face, he can frown, open his mouth, squint his eyes. The fetus spends most of the time at rest, but is already able to turn its head and suck a finger.

The skin of the fetus becomes denser. If before that the skin of the child was almost transparent, now it thickens and acquires a reddish tint. Nails, fluff appear on the head and at the locations of the eyebrows and eyelashes. The skin is covered with a special secret that protects it. Fat deposition begins under the dermis.

It is at the 20th week of pregnancy that the baby turns upside down. However, he can do it later.

The cardiovascular system of the baby is developing intensively. His heart is listened not only with an ultrasound machine, but also with an obstetric stethoscope.

The nervous system is also in the stage of active development, the range of movements that the fetus can perform is increasing. Grooves and convolutions form in the brain. The respiratory system is getting ready for work. Soon, the lungs will begin to do test thrusts.

Insulin and thyroid hormones are produced. Amniotic fluid enters the intestinal tract, which contributes to the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract. What a baby looks like in the womb at the 20th week of pregnancy can be seen in the photo.

What will the ultrasound tell us about?

For an ultrasound scan, 20 weeks is the most appropriate time. At the screening, the doctor looks at the following indicators:

  • fetal size (fetometry);
  • his heart rate;
  • anatomy, organ deviations from the norm;
  • the presence of a dangerous tone of the uterus.

Normal values ​​are shown in the table below. It is on these values ​​that the specialist is guided.

Parameter18-19 weeks19-20 weeks20-21 weeks
BPR (biparietal skull size), mm42-45 45-48,5 48,5-56
LZR (distance from the frontal to the occipital bone of the skull), mm51-55 55-60 60-64
SDHC (fetal chest diameter), mm37,5-40 40-43 43-46,5
SDJ (abdominal diameter), mm43-45,5 45,5-49 49-52,5
Thigh length, mm23-28 28-33 33-35,3
Placenta, mm24,2-25,1 25,1-25,6 25,6-25,8
Amniotic fluid, mm30-70 30-70 30-70

Parents-to-be are eager to capture such an important event. Many medical centers offer to do an ultrasound in 3d or 4d projection at the 20th week of pregnancy. If desired, the specialist will record the video on a digital carrier, take pictures of the crumbs. Dad is often present at diagnostics and can observe his baby on a computer monitor.

Boy or girl?

The genitals begin to form in the sixth week. The ultrasound doctor will be able to examine them and accurately determine the gender already at the twentieth. It is this moment that parents are waiting for, because the time comes to prepare for the birth of a boy or girl.

Sometimes the children hide, in this case, with the determination of the sex, you will have to wait until the third scheduled ultrasound scan. However, even for such a long period of time, the doctor may mistake a boy for a girl, this also happens.

Perturbations: frequency, duration, intensity

Those who are preparing to become a mother for the first time may feel the first timid movements at the 20th week of pregnancy. In fact, the baby moved before, but now it becomes cramped in the mother's womb. Some women, when moving, feel as if butterflies are fluttering in their stomachs or fish are swimming, while others argue that this sensation is similar to a tick.

If the baby doesn't like something, he will inform his mother about it with active movements. In this case, you should change the position of the body, stroke the stomach, then the baby will calm down. If this does not help, you need to urgently visit your doctor, because excessive activity signals a lack of oxygen. The complete absence of movement should also alert the mother - a frozen pregnancy is not excluded.

There is no definite norm for how much the baby should move during this period. Later, you will need to count the number of movements during the day and note them in a special diary.

What are the possible problems with the baby?

On an ultrasound of the fetus at 20 weeks, the doctor will be able to determine developmental abnormalities. Violations are possible from the following organs:

  • the brain (the structure of the bones of the skull, hemispheres);
  • spine (back Bifida);
  • face (cleft lip and palate);
  • heart (malformations);
  • kidneys (dilated pelvis);
  • Gastrointestinal tract (absence of the esophagus).

By indirect signs, one can suspect Down's syndrome, cystic fibrosis. Tumors and hemangiomas will be visible. In case of severe fetal pathologies incompatible with life, the woman will be offered to terminate the pregnancy.

Deciphering the results of screening must be dealt with by a qualified doctor. It should be remembered that ultrasound is a subjective research method, and another specialist may not confirm the diagnosis. Before making a final decision, you need to visit at least two more doctors.

Feelings and condition of mom

The 20th week of pregnancy will be marked by a calm state. Unpleasant sensations rarely arise, toxicosis is left behind.

The expectant mother may be disturbed by the abdomen, which is rapidly increasing in size, and the growing weight. It is difficult for her to pick up clothes and take a comfortable position for rest. In general, the 20th week brings many new joyful sensations that excite even experienced mothers.

What does a woman look like?

A woman can become a little awkward due to the fact that the center of gravity of the spine has shifted. If the abdomen is growing rapidly, you should consider wearing a prenatal brace, which will facilitate movement.

The skin on the abdomen is stretched, which often causes scars, or stretch marks. Prevention of their appearance should be started from the first months of pregnancy. To do this, use creams for stretch marks sold at the pharmacy. Regularly moisturizing your belly skin can help prevent or reduce scarring.

Weight at twenty weeks should increase by no more than 3-5 kg ​​from the beginning of pregnancy. You do not need to allow a large increase, because this will negatively affect your well-being.

Nausea, heartburn and other "joys"

A pregnant woman in the twentieth week of pregnancy may be disturbed by the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • itching of the skin, it often occurs due to excessive stretching of the dermis;
  • varicose veins, it is associated with the pressure of the uterus on the vessels;
  • heartburn, constipation, flatulence due to compression of the digestive tract;
  • calf cramps.

The uterus grows intensively, it presses on neighboring organs, as a result of which many disorders appear. The woman feels a lack of air due to pressure on the diaphragm, the bladder is not able to empty normally.

You may notice swelling of the limbs, which often occurs in the morning. This is a bad sign, which must be reported to the gynecologist.

Discharge from the vagina and mammary glands: norm and pathology

Watery discharge at 20 weeks of gestation indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. The presence of blood, pus in the mucus, cheesiness of discharge, itching should be the reason for an urgent visit to a specialist.

Small amounts of light yellow colostrum may be excreted from the breast. This substance is the precursor to real milk. Discharge is more common in women who have given birth, who already have experience with breastfeeding.

What examinations are prescribed for a woman?

A pregnant woman visits her local gynecologist twice a month. Before taking it, she donates urine for a general analysis. Based on its results, the doctor will be able to determine the presence of an infection in the urinary tract, assess the functioning of the kidneys and prevent the development of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women. At the 20th week of pregnancy, the doctor will measure the size of the pelvis, the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the fundus.

The threat of termination of pregnancy: symptoms and treatment

The following dangerous symptoms cannot be ignored:

  • the discharge turns red, brown, or brown;
  • bleeding has opened;
  • there were pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • amniotic fluid leaking.

Having found them, you need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. You can call an ambulance, then the woman will be admitted to the hospital. The doctor will prescribe symptomatic treatment to eliminate the cause of the threatening miscarriage:

  • Utrozhestan, Duphaston with a lack of progesterone (we recommend reading: how long should you drink Utrozhestan during pregnancy?);
  • Papaverine, No-Shpa with hypertension;
  • infusions of motherwort, valerian with emotional instability;
  • Magne B6, Magnelis to maintain the effect of treatment (for more details, see the article: Magne B6 or Magnelis B6: which is better to take during pregnancy?).

How to behave when pregnant in the 20th week?

Many complications can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle and following the advice of your doctor. You need to pay attention to the diet, work and rest, physical activity, emotional state. Do not overload yourself with work and housekeeping. Pregnancy is a time when a woman needs rest and peace more than ever.

Nutrition for the expectant mother

Nutrition at all stages of pregnancy should be balanced, contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. You should choose healthy food - fruits, vegetables, lean meat, dairy products, eggs, cereals. Fast food, fatty, salty, smoked, fried foods should be discarded. They can provoke heartburn, stomach pain, flatulence. If swelling is present, salt intake should be limited.

Preference should be given to boiled, steamed, baked dishes. They do not burden the digestive tract, they are well digested. If you suffer from constipation, you should consume more fiber (fresh fruits and vegetables), then you will not have to resort to medication.

You should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, do not forget to drink clean water in sufficient volume. During this period, you need to restrain your appetite - right now there is a great risk of rapid weight gain. After giving birth, it will be difficult to get rid of these pounds due to hormonal imbalance.

Sometimes even familiar foods provoke allergic reactions in expectant mothers. This must be borne in mind and with caution when using exotic fruits, citrus fruits, confectionery, nuts, honey and other allergens. If urticaria occurs, the negative product should be identified and no longer consumed.


The lifestyle of a pregnant woman should be measured, you need to fully rest, be in the fresh air. If you feel tired, you can lie down and rest. This is exactly the time when the expectant mother is gaining strength before sleepless nights with a newborn baby. You can devote time to your favorite hobby, watching the series.

However, do not forget about moderate physical activity, for example, you can start going to special classes for pregnant women. Yoga, water aerobics and dancing for expectant mothers, where preparation for childbirth takes place, is very popular now.

Bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol - are out of the question. This will not only adversely affect the health of the baby, but can provoke a miscarriage.

Intimate life

Intimate life at the 20th week of pregnancy is prohibited only for those women who have a threat of miscarriage. Everyone else can and should have sex with their spouse. This will not only give the expectant mother positive emotions, but also have a beneficial effect on her well-being.

The 20th week of pregnancy has gone, which means the long-awaited equator has come! Half of the way has already passed before meeting the baby. All the worries and worries about the baby's condition were left behind. The risk of a missed pregnancy or miscarriage is now practically zero. Mom every day feels her baby, which is briskly tumbling and pushing in her stomach.

The second half of the term will be much calmer and more interesting, because every day the bond between mother and child is becoming stronger and stronger. By this time, some women had already undergone a second scheduled ultrasound scan, during which they were finally convinced of the correct development of the baby and learned the sex of the child. Others are just going to do it and are in anxious excitement before the next meeting with the dearest man, even if only for now and on the screen of the ultrasound machine.

20 obstetric week of pregnancy is the last week of the 5th month of pregnancy, II trimester.

What's going on with mom?

By the 20th week of pregnancy, many women have already undergone a second ultrasound scan and know the gender of the baby. Others will do it this week or next. Now, when it is no secret for future parents that they are expecting a boy / girl, and the main risks are behind, the most magical time of the whole pregnancy is coming. It's time to think about buying baby clothes. The choice of a crib, a stroller, a changing table, the first rattles, diapers, bottles, nipples, tiny T-shirts, pants, socks - all this is very exciting and can bring the expectant mother to a real delight!

At the 20th week of pregnancy, the uterus rises up and continues to increase in volume. The abdomen continues to grow and already protrudes noticeably forward, while the navel protrudes slightly. Women stop hiding their position, now they are happy and glow from the inside. It's time to buy clothes that do not hide, but, on the contrary, emphasize the "interesting position."

Almost everyone feels fetal movements by week 20, regardless of whether it is the first pregnancy or the second. It is important to keep track of the number of kicks and movements of the child.

If the child is constantly twisting and pushing, this may mean that he does not have enough oxygen, and the mother needs to take more walks in the fresh air. You can also sign up for gymnastics for pregnant women.

At week 20, the breasts are full and heavy, the sensitivity of the nipples increases. Some women report the appearance of colostrum from the breast. This phenomenon is completely normal and natural. Colostrum heralds the future of breastfeeding. In no case need to squeeze it out, just wipe it off with a napkin.

What's going on with the baby?

What does a baby look like at 20 weeks of gestation? This is already a real little man. The growth of the fetus has already reached 23-24 cm, and the weight is about 300 grams.

The development of the fetus continues. Now all organs and systems are being improved. They prepare for independent functioning outside the mother's body. The skin becomes denser and fat begins to form and accumulate underneath.

At 20 weeks, the baby opens his eyes for the first time. He already has not only eyelids, but also cilia. The baby knows how to see light, distinguish sounds and voices, turn his head and suck his thumb. He has already formed his own mode of sleep and wakefulness, which his mother notices. Most of the time, the baby is calm, but periods of activity come to replace when he rolls over and jerks his arms and legs.

By this time, some children already prefer to lie with their heads down. If this is not the case, it is too early to worry. While the baby still has enough room for somersaults and turns, he will roll over more than once.

Feeling a woman at week 20

At the 20th obstetric week of pregnancy, expectant mothers feel great: excellent mood, excellent appetite and no painful sensations. Even heartburn and constipation recede. Each movement of the baby gives a charge of wonderful indescribable emotions! Now women are full of energy and quite active.

Being in excellent physical and mental condition, it is important not to forget about your position and alternate periods of activity with rest. After working in the office, it is worth taking a walk in the park or just along the city streets. Fresh air is now necessary for both mom and baby.

The uterus grows, increasing in size more and more. The belly grows with it, and the skin on it begins to stretch. As a result, you may experience mild itching, which will help to remove specialized creams, oils or lotions. The use of emollient olive oil or creams for stretch marks at this stage is mandatory if you do not want ugly streaks on the body.

At the 20th week of pregnancy, there should be no pain in the lower abdomen. The lower back may feel slightly heavy and tired towards the end of the day. Edema should not occur, and the discharge should have a light shade and a slightly sour odor. If you have any complaints about general health, pain in the abdomen, pelvis or lower back, changes in the color and smell of discharge, you should consult a doctor.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

Q: 20th week of pregnancy. How often should the child move?

A: Until 28-30 weeks, the mother can not feel all the movements of the child, but only the strongest ones. Therefore, it is normal for her to feel several movements in a day. The lack of movement during the day should only be an excuse for more attentive listening to your body. Most likely, daily affairs absorbed all the attention, and barely noticeable movements simply went unnoticed. If you have not felt the baby's jolts for more than a day, you need to go to the doctor.

Q: Is sex dangerous in the 20th week of pregnancy?

A: If the doctor has not forbidden intimate life, then sex cannot be dangerous. During sex, the hormone of joy is released, which has a positive effect on the health and development of the child. It is important to choose comfortable postures; during this period, you can give preference to the knee-elbow position. In case of unpleasant sensations, you should change your posture or postpone intercourse for a more favorable time. In no case should you lead an intimate life if a woman feels the tone of the uterus or if she has a diagnosis of placenta previa. It is also not recommended to have sex with low placentation.

Q: 20 week. Why don't I still feel any movement?

A: Among the reasons for the absence of movements at week 20 may be: polyhydramnios, overweight women, low fetal activity, small fetal size.

Ultrasound and analyzes at the twentieth week

For a period of 18-20 weeks, a second scheduled ultrasound scan is prescribed. In addition, the woman will have to be tested for blood and urine. You may need to undergo an examination on a gynecological chair, during which the doctor will examine the cervix and draw conclusions about its condition.

The second ultrasound is very important, as it will help to make sure that the baby is developing correctly. There is no need to be afraid of him: the mother will be able to see how the child's heart beats, how he moves and waves his arms to her. The specialist will accurately determine the gender of the baby. From that moment on, a woman will know for sure whether she will soon become a mother of a daughter or son.

Norms of ultrasound at week 20

What should mom do at week 20?

After pregnancy and childbirth, women complain that their breasts are no longer beautiful and that breastfeeding is considered the main reason. In fact, the breast can lose its attractive appearance not only because of this, but also because of the wrong choice of lingerie during pregnancy and lack of care for it.

Use emollients on a regular basis to avoid stretch marks. Choose a bra that is comfortable and supportive so your breasts don't sag under their own weight.

Don't forget about comfortable clothes and shoes. Clothing should be loose, especially around the abdomen. Close models should be avoided. Shoes should be comfortable, flat or small wide heels no more than 3-4 cm.

If the expectant mother has not yet been able to accustom herself to proper nutrition, now is the time. After 20 weeks, active weight gain begins. To feel good, you need to rethink your diet. Replace sweets and buns with fruits and herbs, and tea with berry fruit drinks. Proper nutrition will provide the child with the substances he needs, and the mother will not gain excess weight and feel good until childbirth.

Without fail, porridge should be included in the daily diet of a pregnant woman at 20 weeks: buckwheat and oatmeal are rich in iron, which is now necessary for the development of the fetus. Also, don't forget about dried fruits, nuts, boiled fish and beef.

Before maternity leave, there is very little left and you can start planning your free time. Don't waste it sitting at your computer or on social media. Walk more, visit theaters, museums, exhibitions. Positive emotions are good for both mom and baby.

Your little one. At this time, a woman can receive a referral for a second scheduled ultrasound scan. Next, we will talk about how ultrasound differs during this period and what are the norms for the development of crumbs in 20 obstetric weeks.

Indicate the first day of your last period

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What is it made for?

At the end of the fifth month of pregnancy, ultrasound is not just a whim of a woman who wants to admire her growing offspring. This study is part of the second trimester screening. On the recommendation of the Ministry of Health of Russia, screening is carried out within 21 weeks. Most often, a visit to the ultrasound office falls exactly on week 20 - the period between and 20 weeks (from conception, by the standards of a woman, more than 17 weeks have passed).

Screening includes studies of venous blood with a biochemical method using a triple or quadruple test. This study helps to establish excess or underestimation of the level of hormones and proteins important for normal pregnancy. Their change is often accompanied by various genetic pathologies. The picture is complemented by an examination in the ultrasound diagnostics room.

In the first trimester, from 11 to 13 weeks, the woman had already undergone the first screening, and therefore the individual risks of having a baby with Edwards, Down, Turner syndrome and other incurable diseases of genetic origin are already known. The second screening makes it possible to judge such an unpleasant prospect on the basis of other substances in the blood, as well as other markers of pathologies on ultrasound.

In addition, ultrasound examination at this time may have other goals:

  • assessment of the child's development;
  • assessment of the state of the placenta;
  • diagnostics of possible deviations in the course of pregnancy - the risk of premature birth, fetal death;
  • clarification of the timing of gestation and a more accurate determination of the date of birth

Preparation for the procedure and features of the procedure

Ultrasound examination at week 20 is performed by the external method, transabdominal, that is, the sensor is guided over the abdomen, the review is available through the wall of the bush.

There are not so many situations in which a doctor can decide to use a vaginal sensor for an ultrasound scan at this time. Basically, this is overweight in a pregnant woman, the presence of impressive fat deposits in the abdomen.

If the sensor cannot see the baby through the abdomen, a decision is made on a transvaginal ultrasound.

Internal ultrasound can also be performed if there is a suspicion of premature abnormal dilatation of the cervix, cervical insufficiency, and placenta previa.

At 20 weeks, ultrasound examination is not carried out in an examination chair, for this they use a couch on which the expectant mother can sit both in the supine position and in the lateral position if it is not comfortable to lie on the back.

Ultrasound does not require any special preparation at this time. No need to drink water, follow a diet, free the intestines from gases- the uterus is already so large that the intestines, along with the gases filling it, are pushed back, and the view does not interfere.

When undergoing a screening ultrasound scan at 20 weeks, there is no need to donate blood on the same day with a visit to the diagnostician's office; during this period, these components of perinatal diagnostics can be performed on different days. The procedure lasts 5-10 minutes, it will not harm the pregnant woman and her baby.

What will the ultrasound show?

During the first half of pregnancy, the baby has gone through a huge evolutionary path. Almost all organs have been formed in him, the work of systems is being improved - the nervous, in particular. The growth of the crumbs this week is about 26 centimeters. The child weighs only about 300 grams.

This week the baby has a big event - his eyes acquire photoreceptors, and now the baby can distinguish between light and darkness. Shining a flashlight on your belly can increase your baby's movements. At the end of the fifth month, the baby learned to "make faces", and now on ultrasound, if you're lucky, you can see how he squints, blinks, grimaces.

The child looks like a small, but already fully formed, human. He already controls his hands perfectly, plays with the umbilical cord, sucks on fists. His intestines are working, the crumb swallows amniotic fluid, a small stomach began to function.

Bone length:

Based on the fetometry data, the ultrasound scanner independently calculates the estimated weight of the fetus. This period is characterized by values ​​from 200 to 350 grams. Girls are more likely to weigh less than boys, even if the timing of pregnancy in both cases coincides with an accuracy of the day.

In the section "Anatomy of the fetus", the doctor describes the state of the child's internal organs. The lateral ventricles of the brain, facial bones, spine, orbits, heart, kidneys, stomach, intestines, lungs, gallbladder and urinary bladder are examined and described. If the doctor does not see pronounced malformations of these organs, then opposite the name of this or that organ will be the Latin N, which means "norm".

If pathologies are detected, and ultrasound at this time allows you to see the underdevelopment of one or another organ or its absence, then the doctor describes the type of pathology opposite the name of the organ. So, opposite the line "Intestine", an entry may appear - "Atresia of the anus" or "Extended loops".

Any pathology of internal organs can theoretically be a marker of chromosomal abnormalities, therefore, each specific situation should be considered separately. Several additional ultrasounds will be required, possibly invasive diagnostics (cordocentesis or amniocentesis) to determine if the baby has chromosomal ailments.

After that, the doctors will make a decision how and when to treat a child if his or her disease is considered curable. If these are total syndromes, then the mother will be given a little time to think about the possibility of terminating the pregnancy for medical reasons. The final decision rests with the pregnant woman and her family.

At the end of the examination, the doctor indicates characteristics of the placenta- how high it is located from the internal pharynx, along which uterine wall the attachment took place. Most often, the "baby seat" is attached to the back wall. The normal degree of maturity of the placenta for this period is 0. At this stage, low placentation or placenta previa is often detected. The doctor evaluates the size of the cervix, the condition of the cervical canal and the presence or absence of uterine muscle tone.

Possible problems

BPD and LHR of the head is less than normal

A slight deviation from the average tabular values ​​of the baby's head size does not mean anything alarming. All children in the middle of pregnancy grow at different rates, moreover, no one excludes a hereditary feature of appearance - a small head. A deviation from the lower threshold of the norm for 2 weeks is considered alarming (if the fetal BPD, for example, corresponds, not to the twentieth, but to the eighteenth week of pregnancy).

Shrinking of the head can be caused by microcephaly as well as inadequate nutrition. In this case, doctors will talk about intrauterine growth retardation of the baby. Additional studies will help to identify the exact cause, with a delay in development, the forecasts are favorable - vitamin preparations help to correct the situation, as well as drugs that improve uteroplacental blood flow.

The baby's head is more than the age norm

Exceeding normal fetal head sizes this week is sometimes a sign of hydrocephalus, swelling due to infectious processes or malformations. A slight increase in indicators (less than 2 obstetric weeks) may indicate that during this pregnancy there are tendencies towards a large (about 4 kg) or giant (more than 5 kg) fetus.

Again, the doctor needs to look at mom and dad, perhaps they have big heads - a family trait, and then no correction is required.

The baby's abdominal circumference is less than the gestational norm

This indicator may be a feature of a child's physique, because thin mothers and fathers usually have the same slender children. As in the case of the size of the fetal head, a delay of more than 2 weeks from the norm is considered critical.

This situation requires a careful study of the uteroplacental blood flow, especially the placenta, in order to identify possible causes of malnutrition in time. The thinness of the fruit itself is not dangerous in any way. The task of doctors is find its true cause, which may pose a risk to the further development of the child.

Bone length does not match age

An indirect marker of genetic pathologies during the second ultrasound is the shortening of the shin bones, the length of the remaining bones is measured only in order to imagine the proportions of the baby, as well as to track its development.

Shorter or longer forearms or thigh bones in most cases turn out to be features of the child's appearance, because he may have genetically based long legs or short arms. Such changes are considered physiological.

Pathological abnormalities and shortening of the limbs cannot go unnoticed, and the woman will immediately be referred to a geneticist for a consultation.

Low placenta

The uterus is growing, the placenta still has every chance of rising to a normal height, which most often happens if the pregnant woman follows all the prescriptions of her attending physician.

Common questions

3D ultrasound

This type of ultrasound diagnostics is carried out at this time, and it allows you to examine the baby in more detail, to get beautiful pictures of the fetus. An obstetrician or geneticist sends women to such an ultrasound of an expert class if alarming markers or deviations from the norms are identified. A woman can visit a 3D ultrasound of her own free will.

Pictures of the fetus

In ordinary photographs, you can clearly see what the baby is doing - the outlines of the arms and legs are clear, the profile of the face is visible. But 3D ultrasound and the images that are obtained with such a device, if the baby "agrees" to pose, give a more complete picture of how a son or daughter looks like. If twins live in the tummy, then at week 20 it looks something like this.

Gender errors

Errors in determining gender at this time unlikely. It is still possible to confuse a boy with a girl in rare cases, if the baby has an umbilical cord clamped between his legs. Such a girl will be mistakenly considered a boy. And a shy boy who squeezed his genitals between his legs will be considered a girl for the time being. The probability of such "confusion" is no more than 1.5-3%.

Unfortunately, there are situations when the floor cannot be seen, because the child is facing inward, with his back and booty to the ultrasound diagnostic sensor. If no external influences (patting, tapping) help make the baby turn around, then the doctor will have to admit that it is impossible to determine the gender at the moment, and will advise you to come to the appointment later.

Determination of gender is not included in the standard diagnostic steps during screening, and therefore this service will be paid for by the pregnant woman herself at the rates for the provision of paid medical services for a specific antenatal clinic.

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